Legislation Signed into Law


Primary Focus Access to Services
Title/Description Physician Assistant Scope of Service
Citation CLSC §40-47-0140

Among other things, this Act amends the CLSC §40-47-0140 by adding a provision to allow physician assistants to be considered a primary care provider or a mental health provider when the PA is practicing in the medical specialties required for a physician to be a primary care provider or mental health provider.

Effective Date 8/2019

Enacted throughS132


Primary Focus Mandated Benefit: Provider
Title/Description Medical and Surgical Benefits and Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits; Aggregate Lifetime Limits
Citation S.C. Code Ann. § 38-71-880

Health insurance coverage offered in connection with a group health plan that provides both medical and surgical benefits and mental health or substance use disorder benefits may not impose any aggregate lifetime limit or any annual limit on mental health or substance use disorder benefits if there is no aggregate lifetime limit imposed on medical and surgical benefits. If the coverage includes an aggregate lifetime limit, on substantially all medical and surgical benefits, the coverage must either:
(i) apply the same lifetime limit or annual limit to both the medical and surgical benefits and the mental health or substance use disorder benefits; or (ii) not include any aggregate lifetime limit or annual limit on mental health or substance use disorder benefits that is less than the applicable lifetime limit or annual limit.
The same coverage may not impose financial requirements and treatment limitations that are more restrictive for mental health or substance use disorder benefits than those imposed on medical and surgical benefits.
S.C. Code Ann. § 38-71-880 continues on to provide exceptions to these mandates, such as insurance coverage provided by small employers, and also excepts plans that would experience an increase in cost as a result of compliance with this section.

Effective Date 6/3/2009

Amended by S.C. SB 390.

Primary Focus Mandated Benefit: Provider
Title/Description Mental Health Coverage; Definitions; Treatment Requirements; Exceptions
Citation S.C. Code Ann. § 38-71-290

A health insurance plan must provide coverage for treatment of a mental health condition and may not establish a rate, term, or condition that places a greater financial burden on an insured for access to treatment for a mental health condition than for access to treatment for a physical health condition in similar settings and treatment modalities. Any deductible or out-of-pocket limits required under a health insurance plan must be comprehensive for coverage of both mental health and physical health conditions.
S.C. Code Ann. § 38-71-290 continues on to define “mental health condition” and discusses requirements for eligibility for coverage.

Effective Date 6/3/2009

Amended by S.C. SB 390.


Primary Focus Parity: General
Title/Description Mental Health Insurance
Citation S.C. Code Ann. § 1-11-780

S.C. Code Ann. § 1-11-780 briefly mandates the State Employee Insurance Program to continue providing mental health parity and states that the program is not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Insurance.

Effective Date 6/30/2006

Amended by S.C. S.B. 49.

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